Prophetic word for 2021 and the Years Beyond.

Shared on December 31st, 2020

Years of the Fresh Wind 

2021 to 2024 will be “years of the wind”. This will be a season of the fresh wind. 

I saw wind blowing this season. I heard the word fresh wind, meaning a new wind. As I prayed and contemplated on what this could mean, the holy spirit invited me to look deeper at the word “wind”. The word wind is mentioned over 128 times in scripture. “Wind”  is one of the most used metaphors in the Bible and wind can be translated to “Spirit” in Biblical or Spiritual terms. Both the Old Testament and New Testament terms for “spirit” have a range of meanings that can be discerned by context: 

 Wind can mean“breath, the human spirit, literal wind, life, air in motion, living power, an angelic spirit, or the Spirit of God.” The Hebrew term, ruah, is used in the following ways: breath (27x), wind (92x), Spirit (108x); the capitalization by translators indicates(the Spirit of God), spirit is used (124x) to indicate human, angelic or demonic)-John McKinley.

The Bible also often speaks of the 4 winds. The North wind, the South wind, the East wind and the West wind. I will quickly break down each and then proceed to the word. 

The Open Bible gives a description of each:

  1. The West Wind:

In Palestine the west wind is the most common. It comes from the sea and carries the moisture which condenses to form clouds as it is turns upward by the mountains, to the cooler layers of the atmosphere. If the temperature reached is cool enough the cloud condenses and rain falls. Elijah looked toward the West for the “small cloud,” and soon “the heavens grew black with clouds and wind” (1 Kings 18:44). “When ye see a cloud rising in the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it cometh to pass” (Luke 12:54).

  1. The South Wind:

The south wind is frequent in Palestine. If it is slightly Southwest, it may bring rain, but if it is due South or Southeast, there is no rain. It is a warm wind bringing good weather. “When ye see a south wind blowing, ye say, There will be a scorching heat; and it cometh to pass” (Luke 12:55). In the cooler months it is a gentle, balmy wind, so that the “earth is still by reason of the south wind” (Job 37:17); compare (Song of Solomon 4:16).

  1. The North Wind:

The north wind is usually a strong, continuous wind blowing down from the northern hills, and while it is cool it always “drives away rain,” as correctly stated in Proverbs 25:23, the King James Version; yet it is a disagreeable wind, and often causes headache and fever.

  1. The East Wind:

The east wind or sirocco (from Arabic shark= “east”) is the “scorching wind” (James 1:11) from the desert. It is a hot, gusty wind laden with sand and dust and occurs most frequently in May and October. It is customary for the people to close up the houses tightly to keep out the dust and heat. The heat and dryness wither all vegetation (Genesis 41:6). Happily the wind seldom lasts for more than three days at a time. It is the destructive “wind of the wilderness” (Job 1:19; Jeremiah 4:11; 13:24):

I believe we will see the wind of God manifest in 2 of the 4 ways in 2021. 2021 will be a mixture of the west wind and the east wind, at different times and sometimes all at once.  

  • The west wind: 

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There is only one mention in the Bible of a west wind which is found in Exodus 10:19, “So the LORD shifted the wind to a very strong west wind which took up the locusts and drove them into the Red Sea; not one locust was left in all the territory of Egypt.”  Here it is associated with rescuing people from the plague of locusts.

I believe we will continue to see people being rescued in this season. We will see restoration, we will see reparations, we will reconciliations, we will see God remove reproach. God is releasing a wind to come against everything that has come against the people of God. 

The west wind also brings rain.  

We are in a season in which we are going to see an abundance of rain. The rain will bring Harvest and it will bring prosperity. The Rain will be literal and in the spirit. This year will be marked by extreme weather.  The wind of God will begin to blow so that rain can be released in places that have been baren from places that have been dry and places that have been forgotten. 

The wind of God coming from the West will also bring a cooling. I believe we will see a literal Cooling in temperatures and we will also see a cooling around race relations, around friction in our personal lives, and in our families. We will see the cool wind heal heartache and things that we have previously faced. 

The fresh wind also comes to take us into a new place. This wind will be characterized by a feeling of ease. Many will step into places that seemed impossible or difficult with ease. The wind of God is coming to transition us into a new place. Just like the wind is used to carry seeds and help pollinate, we will see cross pollination of ideas, friendships, nations and information. 

We will continue to see innovations and inventions that will make it easier to teach and preach the gospel and reach people in the innermost parts and the ends of the world. With this wind, there is an invitation to trust in the Lord because you will only be able to be carried by the wind of the Lord also known as the Holy Spirit by trusting the Lord. The Lord will continue to deal with our hearts in regards to what we have put our trust in; how we have put our trust in man, how we put our trust in government or whoever you have put your trust in. The more you trust him the more you’ll be carried into the things of God. 

Alongside the West wind, I also saw a whirlwind- there are 4 types of whirlwinds. The ones I saw, in particular, are known as dust devils. This whirlwind develops when the sun heats up the unstable air near the ground. This intense heating creates a dust devil that picks up small articles such as: sand, leaves, and paper. The height of this whirlwind reaches to 100+

I believe the Lord is going to continue to bring the heat to the church, this heat will purify us and it will burn up anything that is not like him, and as he does this, all that is unstable in us and around us will begin to whirl. In whirlwinds, debris, leaves, paper, and even small fish are picked up. We will see the Lord picking up and removing things in our lives that have no right to be there. 

Most whirlwinds are not destructive but some are, the key in this season is Psalms 1. We are in a season in which we are being asked to be planted like a tree, planted in our emotions, our decisions, our church home, our family etc. When the whirlwind forms, only what is planted will stand. 

While there will be things happening in the natural that will be physical whirlwinds, there will also be spiritual whirlwinds. This is a term we use in the prophetic too.  

I sense we are in a double double season, many saw 20-20 as trouble-trouble but the lord says in the next 4 years many will experience double double for their suffering and trouble.

While there are natural whirlwinds as in excitement and a lot happening, we will also need to manage internal whirlwinds, our emotions will really need to be guarded and grounded. There will be much movement in and around our lives. 

Whirlwinds are not bad things! In the Book of Job, it is not until God visits him in a whirlwind that his life begins to change for the better after years of suffering. Job had been praying, faithful and steadfast and the result was that he saw God with his eyes as he came in a whirlwind. 

Hosea 8:7 states, “They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind.” During this time the people were sowing into idols and the whirlwind that came was judgment and destruction. 

What we sow into will reap whirlwinds.  There is an invitation to sow in the things of God and in this season we will see the whirlwind of God, as we make knowing and serving him a priority. In Ezekiel 1:4 we see Jesus visiting Ezekiel in a whirlwind as he prays and calls out to God. This year will be marked by VISITATIONS such as we have never seen before. This year will shift the trajectory of how many people know God. This year many will know God and be visited by him in an unprecedented way. Get ready for the whirlwinds of God. 

We will see prayer and prayer houses raised up all over the earth and the prayer meetings will be met by encounters we have yet to know; it will lead to hearts burning for the lost. The whirlwind of the Lord will bring revival and reformation in this season if we faint not. 

  • The East Wind

The second wind we will see is the east wind which is the most common wind even in scripture. This wind often brings destruction and correction. In Scriptures it brought plagues etc. 

I sense the east wind will continue to blow for the sake of the church and the nations repenting and running to Jesus. This wind is coming to cause us to surrender and hide only in the Father. 

While some judgement will be experienced first in the house of the Lord and then to the unbeliever. I truly believe that this year and the years to come are the years of the believer, the years of the church, the years of the ones who know their God, and the years of the ones that do great exploits! While we may see the wind blowing around us, it will not touch many of us! We will hear it, but it will not come near us. We may see the distraction around us but it will not destroy us. We can take refuge in the wings of our Father as the wind blows because he has protected us and he has called us to this place of safety and into this place of rest.  

Wind is nature’s way of achieving equilibrium or bringing balance into nature. I believe in this season God is bringing balance first to the church and then to the nations. 

The Holy Spirit is wind, breath and life; it is imperative that we find ourselves in Him!