The word propel is a verb and is defined as to drive forward or onward by or as if by means of a force that imparts motion.

We are entering into a season in which we will be propelled. In addition, we will propel the kingdom of God forward. 

The synonyms for propelling are drive, push, shove, or thrust 

I believe that from 2022 to 2026 we are going to see propelling in several forms. 

The first form of propelling is to thrust. In this year, the Lord is going to thrust us forward. We spoke of 2020 as a door, and this door was one we had to push through to get through.  It is only because of the thrusting of the Lord that we have found ourselves at the end of 2021. As we stand on the precipice of 2022, there is yet another thrust that we will experience and endure. 

Thrust is to push something or someone suddenly or violently in a specified direction. The first three months of this year will be the thrusting of another door. It will leave us no choice but to trust God as we are pushed with force into a new place. 

But take heart, this thrusting is not only into hardship but into wide-open spaces. 

The Lord is pushing us through the door only for us to find ourselves in wide-open spaces. 

I see us looking around in this wide pasture and asking ourselves: What was it that we were afraid of?

Why did we not say yes sooner?

There are some people that God is going to thrust into a promise! 

Prominence for others?

Position for yet others?

Thrusting may be an encounter with God. It might be a hardship; it might be a prophetic word. Thrusting can be a decision, but it will be so clear for those who are yielded that where they end up is not something they could have done out of their own strength. Many will find themselves where God has always planned for them because they have waited on Him!

With the propelling of the Lord, there is a renewed strength coming with the wait.

I see some holding on to the door with their hands not wanting to go forward. These individuals do not want to relinquish control and allow God to thrust them into this new place. 

My encouragement is not to yield to the pain but to yield to the process and let go of the door.

Some are in a good place and they can not imagine themselves elsewhere; therefore, they want to hold on to the door. The Lord says, your trust will be required for you to go forward. 

One more note about the wide-open space: There will be nothing to hold on to.

At first, it will feel unsafe because the restrictions will not be there.

The Lord is looking for your faith. As you walk in faith, you will see you were always meant to be there. This is a Psalm 23 year. The Lord is your Shepherd. You shall not want. He will make you lie down in green pastures. He will cause you to go forward and step into what He has for you.

The next word associated with propelling is, shove. Shove is a lesser form of thrust; however, the Lord says some of you are so close and all you need is a push to step into the fullness of what He has for you. 

You will experience a pushing from the Lord in terms of circumstances, relationships, and unease in your spirit. 

The Lord is pushing you into seeking the Kingdom of God first. This is also a “kingdom first year.”

One way to understand the year we propel is by understanding how propellers on planes work. On a plane, the blades of the propellers spin, and the airplane pushes forward. When this happens, the plane goes higher. 

The next definition of propelling is to drive. In the article, “Forces and Motion” by Chris Woodford he states, “If you want to move forward, you need to push backward; that fundamental law of physics was first described in the 18th century by Sir Isaac Newton and still holds true today. Newton’s third law of motion (sometimes called “action and reaction”) is not always obvious, but it’s the essence of anything that moves us through the world. When you’re walking down the street, your feet push back against the sidewalk to move you forward. In a car, it’s the wheels that do something similar as their tires kick back against the road. But what about ships and planes powered by propellers? They too use Newton’s third law, because a propeller pulls or pushes you forward by hurling a mass of air or water behind you” (2021). 
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For several months, I have been primarily seeing a ship propeller until this week when I begin to see the airplane propeller.

I have learned that airplane propellers have thick and narrow blades that turn at high speed, whereas ship propellers have thinner, broader blades that spin more slowly. Chris Woodford went on to say although the basic theory is the same, plane and ship propellers are optimized for very different speeds in very different fluids—faster in air, slower in water—and a propeller that works well in one isn’t necessarily going to work as well (or at all) in the other.

The Lord showed me that in this hour, the airplane was the Believer and the Church in this hour. The last two years have sharpened our blades. We have some thick blades and thin blades but as the church continues to merge, be purified, and work as one, we will see the church emerge and be able to push about into the air. 

Propellers push forward to go higher. The key is that the Church must keep pushing forward, working together, and merging streams so that we will go higher and further.

We are going to see ministries propelled.

Believers propelled on national stages in business, tech, and medicine.

We are going to see individuals propelled into positions over the nations as godly men and women, who will rule with authority and power. We will see several minority women and African women become presidents and CEOs of major companies.

There is a flow of resources and cash to women in business like we have never seen before. 

We are on the precipitous of witnessing the Margret Thatcher of our time.

I believe she will come from the east.

She will rule in her nation, but the nations will go to her for wisdom.

She will know God and will rescue those who are disfranchised as Esther did in the Bible. 

In this hour, the deliverers and the Miriams are arising and being propelled forward.

God is thrusting the Church forward and propelling people who have been preparing while hidden to the places they were always made to impact.

The call to the Church is to be discerning and wise because as many Believers are thrust forward, the enemy will thrust his own agents. We must be discerning to know who is of God and who is not from God.

This is the hour of the church. Make no mistake about it at all. 

The great ship I saw was the nations of the world, specifically America.

America, the Lord is turning you. Like a great ship, there is an invitation to propel you in a different direction. I see you in dark waters and a storm is coming. He is pushing you and begging you to turn. He wants you to turn from the waters that you have veered in. Turn back to your first love; turn from the dark waters because a storm is coming.

The ship called America is in dark waters. It must turn from politics, selfish ambition, lover of self, humanism, and racism and fix its eyes on the Maker.

When a propeller moves, it releases wind in the air and everything around it feels the wind. The propeller often blows the things around it away. 

The wind from the thrust from the propellers will blow away anything that is an enemy to God. 

It will cause those who are not planted and rooted to be further scattered. 

This is not the heart of God for people to be without a home or to be without a family.

When the wind blows, it will be God blowing. The wind will be God shaping; it will be God moving. 

There is a thrust coming in the form of sudden events and movements from heaven, but that thrust will and should propel us into the Father’s arms and into the depths of Him.

Lastly, in the field of medicine, I see advancements in the area of prosthetics specifically the materials used to create them. I saw new legs attached to thighs, and the legs were moving with ease. There will continue to be medical breakthroughs that will impact us for generations.