A year we have never seen before. I sense we are entering a season where we will see what is yet to be seen. We believe this year can be referred to as the year of  “what no eye has seen nor ear has heard, nor any mind has conceived,”According to 1st Corinthians 2:9 which states, “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him” (KJV)

We are entering a season in which God has said,” We have never seen before”. What is about to unfold from 2024 to 2028 is unprecedented on many fronts. 

We must prepare ourselves. I would like to read the rest of 1st Corinthians 2. We will need to stand on this chapter for what is to come.

  1. God has shown these things to us through his Spirit. The Spirit understands all things. He understands even the deep things of God. 11 Who can know the thoughts of another person? Only a person’s spirit can know them. In the same way, only the Spirit of God knows God’s thoughts. 12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world. We have received the Spirit who is from God. The Spirit helps us understand what God has freely given us. 13 That is what we speak about. We don’t use words taught to us by people. We use words taught to us by the Holy Spirit. We use the words taught by the Spirit to explain spiritual truths. 14 The person without the Spirit doesn’t accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. These things are foolish to them. They can’t understand them. In fact, such things can’t be understood without the Spirit’s help. 15 The person who has the Spirit can judge all things. But no human being can judge those who have the Spirit. It is written,16 “Who can ever know what is in the Lord’s mind?

    Can anyone ever teach him?” (Isaiah 40:13)

But we have the mind of Christ.

We will only understand what is about to take place with the spirit and with spiritual eyes. I can not even put into words all I see. It will be such a mixture of different kinds of happenings all at once, that it will be important to discern with our spirit, we will not be able to make sense of it all. 

I see celebrations, and achievements on a personal level, and for families and churches but I also see shifts, crashes, and changes in finances, politics in race relations. 

There will be moments when we will be trying to catch our breath, then there will be moments of rest. 

Extreme Advancements

We will see advancements in materials concerning how to build homes, we will see cities take on homelessness and because of these materials, homelessness will begin to diminish, there will be cities where by 2037 everyone will have housing. 


I saw materials made of clay, and man-made materials creating homes and resources. We will see in one year, seven years’ worth of advancements, meaning that things would’ve taken seven years in technology and medicine, and other areas of our lives, we’re going to see advance within one year. I feel, in a sense, we’re in a quantum leap year, and I know that this was spoken concerning 2020, and 2022, but I feel like we will see it more now than ever.


What is a quantum leap?

A quantum jump is the abrupt transition of a quantum system (atom, molecule, atomic nucleus) from one quantum state to another, from one energy level to another. In simpler terms, it is a huge, often sudden, increase or advance in something. 

I sense that we will experience it more in 2024 than we have ever before, that even things that have been held back for years within one year will be achieved and experienced. Of course, there are always conditions to most prophetic words. If we have positioned ourselves, if we have been pursuing God, if we have positioned ourselves, whether it’s educationally or with our finances, then we’re going to be able to experience this quantum leap.

I saw it, like I said, in technology, but you’re also going to see it in people’s lives. Breakthrough in mindsets, generational curses. Delays, in one year an extremely sudden shift. 


Wealth Accumulation years

 I’ve given a word all the way up until 2050 in the past concerning the window we are in for building wealth, and I believe that we’re in this 10-year window between 2020 and 2030 where we’re in an accumulation of wealth. In 2020, we saw more millionaires formed than ever before. But I sense that in 2024, we’re going to see even more than what we saw in 2020. I saw that many people who had entered into that millionaire rank are now going to move into being multimillionaires.

The Lord said that this is the year he breaks off toil on many who trust and rely on him. There is an easier way of doing things and God is going to give grace to accomplish more with less toil.

Toil is defined as  To labor; to work; to exert strength with pain and fatigue of body or mind, particularly of the body, with efforts of some continuance or duration.

As things speed up around us and things seem chaotic God is inviting us into a place of rest, he is breaking toil by causing us to trust him and rely on him.


Because of the quantum leap, we will literally see miracles no one has seen, where God is going to take what we have sown in tithes and offerings and dedication and service and not 10x or 30x or 60 x but 100x or 1000x it When God spoke this to me I said how is it possible to make 10 times more money in one year?

He said rest and quantum leap, timing, and process do not work the same in the realm of the spirit as it does naturally.

In Deuteronomy, God says to Abraham: May the LORD, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!

As we have been fasting and praying we learned this is the year of the 10x, 100x, and 1000x, many will see God increase them a thousandfold, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

I saw a resurgence of cryptocurrency. I saw a resurgence getting ready to happen in 2024, but it’s not necessarily cryptocurrencies that we already own or are aware of. There are some new types of currencies that are going to come into the scene in 2024 and we’re going to see this quantum leap even financially and in the Body of Christ.

This church will be built in other nations, there will be hundreds of souls won through missions, the body of Christ will be thrust out into the streets and the nations and there is a great spoil of souls if only we will go, we will see people ready for Jesus due to the instability of the hour. 

Everyone will be looking for something to hold onto. 

2024 is a year we’ve never seen before. It’s a year of great celebration and a year of great tribulation. As we see this technical advancement, we’re going to see a great crushing. What I saw was that the president that is getting ready to come into 2024 was a president of war, meaning that I sense that there’s going to be some work that he will have to do concerning wars and wars that the US will be involved in going into 2024.

And so, when we’re voting for that year, we need to vote for a David Mantle, someone who fears God but is also a warrior, somebody who understands the fear of God, but understands tactics and understands strategy, because it’s going to mean a lot for America itself.

Then what I saw was that we’re going to see weather patterns. I’ve released words like this before, but I had not seen this level of extremeness, let’s say, in the weather over 2024, going from February into April. I know that even right now, they’ve already started announcing that this is going to be an El Nino year, meaning that it’s going to be severely cold. I saw water rising, going from August to October..I dreamt of a great tsunami once again hitting Asia, we must pray against it and pray for peace in Asian nations. 

It will be the best of times and the worst of times. While God is moving, there’s going to be also a lot of external movement, and the spirit realm will be extremely active. This is the year we have the mind of Christ, it will be our shield and our helmet against the weariness of the world. 

We must step into peace now, as we move into the year it will be hard to master it, February will be on fire. There will be happenings everywhere, they will be signals of what is to come.

Guard your heart and your mind, you must not be easily thrown off, we can not be easily rocked by everything that’s happening around us, we must call on the rock that is higher than us. 

Anchor your children, and call them into a place of safety, you do not have to protect them from what will happen, you must prepare them for anything, those under 12 were born for such a time as this, they have the ability to understand more, teach them the things of the spirit, teach them how to pray, fortify them.

These are the years of being anchored and these are the years of being in a community. These are the years of knowing who your tribe is, and who your people are because there’s going to be upheaval all around us.

We’re going to begin to see something with the waves. I saw the water rising, and so there was a shaking within the waves. 

One thing that I’ve been sharing, and I know other prophets have been saying, I just feel like the Lord is saying don’t forget 2020. “Don’t forget 2020.” While you have this time to order some extra masks, do it. You have time to order extra Lysol. Do it. Make sure that you’re not like, “Oh, that will never happen again,” because one of the issues with believers is that we easily forget. I’m not talking about hoarding. 

Anytime I give a word like this, I’m giving it so that you can be a resource center to those who need it so that you can be someone that others can go to.

The church will become a center of healing and a center of gathering. I sense that even over the next several years, and I’m not talking about spiritual healing. We’ve talked about this since maybe 2012, 2014, if you’ve followed me that long, that there’s going to come a time when churches become literal hospitals, and they become outposts for things. I believe that we’re going to see some of that in 2024.

I believe that there will be some political unrest, which is why this year is very much similar to 2020. We’re going to see it towards the end of 2024, and it’s for the church to not get involved like they did before. I am praying that the church will learn its lessons when it comes to politics, and we learn how to position ourselves as sons and ones that hear from heaven and not necessarily our political, ethnic, or national backgrounds.


Find true prophetic voices! 

The Lord said that we are in a 2 Kings 7 moment. We’re in a 2 Kings 7 moment. 7 Elisha said, “Listen! God’s word! The famine’s over. This time tomorrow food will be plentiful—a handful of meals for a shekel; two handfuls of grain for a shekel. The market at the city gate will be buzzing.”

2 The attendant on whom the king leaned for support said to the Holy Man, “You expect us to believe that? Trapdoors opening in the sky and food tumbling out?”

“You’ll watch it with your own eyes,” he said, “but you will not eat so much as a mouthful!”

There are things you will see and not partake of if you do not heed the voice of the prophets in this season. 

The mature prophets come with the balanced word, they bless, they warn, they instruct, they push you closer to Jesus. 

The attendant did not believe the word of the Lord, as you read the lepers nearby did and they saw what they had never seen before. 

In this season you can not say that could never happen, hear me when I say no eye has seen nor ear has heard nor mind comprehend what we are about to see, both glorious and treacherous. 

The Lord said that this is the season to find your prophet. You guys know, if you know me well, it makes me itch a little bit when people say, “Oh, that is my prophet. That is my apostle,” because people cling to people.

But in this season, the Lord is saying, find the people that hear from the Lord and hear what they’re saying. That literally, there is going to be a blessing for those that heed the warnings of the true prophets. It’s up to you to learn how to judge a true prophetic word. But this is the season where you have to find your prophet. You have to find the ones.

If you look throughout the Old Testament, every generation of people had a prophet or a prophetic person that would speak to that generation.

I believe that in this hour there’s going to be very clear voices, and I saw four specific ones that will rise up, that will flow with such purity. This is how you discern purity. You’re not going to find scandals in their life. You’re not going to find sexual immorality in their life. You’re not going to find financial scandals.

You’re going to find vulnerability. You’re going to find transparency. They’re going to be honest. They’re going to be straight to the point. They’re going to have the fear of the Lord. 

In a 2 Kings 7 moment, the prophets will prophesy a thing, and it will take place literally the next day. 

The Lord is giving prophets a new mantle. He was giving them a new mantle. So we’re going to hear and we’re going to see prophets operate at a scary level. It’s going to be so precise and their words are going to begin to create at such a quick frequency that your mouths are going to drop and everything is not going to be a prosperity prophecy. These people are going to be able to balance both of what’s coming out of the heart of God and encourage the people of God on how to go forward.

So how do we prepare? Let me just give you guys four ways to prepare. 

1.The first way is that you are aware. 

Watch and pray in this season, remember what you have heard, and respond with might. 

  1. Don’t be anxious 

What I love about prophecy is that God is in our future and He’s showing us what He has already said. He’s showing us that He’s already in our future. So we don’t have to be anxious. We don’t have to be afraid about anything that’s getting ready to happen in 2024 and in the years to come because God has already gone ahead of us. God has already gone ahead of us. He doesn’t let us know what is coming so we’re full of anxiety, so that we’re full of fear. He lets us know what is coming so that we can be aware that He is already in our future. 

So be aware of the opportunities. Be aware of the changes that are going to come. Be aware of the answered prayers that you’ve been praying for years, and then step into them immediately. You’re going to need an immediate level of obedience. God has been trying to teach you how to practice obedience, for some of you, for several months now, and you’re still delaying. You still have delayed obedience.

There are certain things in this season you’re not going to be able to delay in order for you to actually apprehend them. So you need to be aware, aware of what God has said, aware of what’s happening. You cannot do your life on cruise control. You cannot be a believer who is just floating along. You need to develop a lifestyle of prayer and intercession so that you could keep in step with the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit says that, “Those that are sons of God keep in step with the Spirit.” The Lord doesn’t want you to be behind. Even though the Lord is saying, “Find your prophets in the season,” He’s also saying that the spirit of God is in you, and so you can keep in step with the Holy Spirit with what’s happening. What’s going to happen to a lot of you is that you going to begin to see a lot of things. Sorry, the Holy Spirit is really downloading some things.

You’re going to begin to see a lot of these things in the days, and then you’re going to watch the news. So we’re not going to watch the news for information. We’re going to watch the news for confirmation. You’re not going to watch the news for information. You’re going to watch it for confirmation. What we’re going to see is a revival of prayer and not just prayer, as in we have a conference.

I feel in my spirit that the level of intercession that the body of Christ needs for this hour has not been attained yet. You can begin to prepare by beginning to fast going into the year. 

  1. Learn how to pray, and then prepare. 

When I say prepare, if we say, “Go ahead and order some extra masks,” go ahead and do that. Go ahead and get some Lysol. Go ahead and do that. Be the woman like the 12 virgins with oil.

You don’t want to be the woman that says, “Oh, I didn’t know that the bridegroom was coming.” It is better to be prepared and to be able to share than not to be prepared at all. Once again, we’re not full of anxiety because God is already in our future. Once again, we know that as darkness increases, the glory of God is going to increase, and we’re going to see more and more of what God is saying.

  1. You must have a community, get in small groups. 

Don’t stop going to church. This is literally what the Lord said in 2024 like you did in 2020. Do not stop and please tell people this. Whatever happens in this coming year, you cannot afford to have the slow comeback that you did after 2020.

There are still people who, because of the pandemic, because of politics they deconstructed, they broke away from the church and some have come back slowly. Oh my God, you will not be able to have the grace to bounce back as slowly as you did in 2020. They will not have that much grace. And so this will not be the time to begin to disengage and to begin to let go of covenant relationships and covenant partnerships. It is not the time because your bounce back in 2024 or after 2024 will be much more difficult than it was in 2020. The Lord released a specific grace for you to be able to do that.

And so I just want to release that warning that it is so important. Do you guys not understand why the enemy has come after the church so hard in the last seven years? Why are there so many people out there that are saying you don’t need church, you don’t need community, you don’t need accountability? Part of that, the very thing that the enemy comes after is the very thing that God is going to use. And you can take that even for your personal life. When there is an area in your life that the enemy begins to attack and you say, “Where did you come from? I did not deserve this,” it’s because he doesn’t know everything, except he has a little bit of an idea of what God wants to use.

And in this next season starting in 2027, you’re going to begin to see the body of Christ become a force and there’s going to be a holy reverence where the church has become a ridicule. And I released this word last year concerning the church being rebranded, that God was giving the church a new name and He was rebranding it. And you’ll see it arise as an army starting in 2027. But what happens is, starting next year, you cannot cause yourself to disengage. You cannot, because the bounce back is going to be extremely, extremely difficult.