Before I read this word to you, I want to let you know the Lord gave it to me on a flight from an engagement in August. I wrote this word as if I were reading it tonight, but some of the things I wrote were written in faith, believing they would already have happened.
The Global Church
The Lord said 2025 will be the year of the sudden break, of things coming from nowhere after a season of what seemed like monotony and waiting for the unusual. We are now here.
We will see a sudden break in the Church—a church break.
In the last year, it seemed as if the Church could not catch a break,
But the exposure and mayhem were preparing us for the sudden break.
We are about to experience the Church’s most significant growth spurt since the Great Awakening in the early 1800s.
Churches waiting and praying for growth and revival are about to catch a break.
What we have seen in the realm of the spirit—
Unusual miracles on streets and sidewalks—
Is here; we are in a sudden break.
A people full of fire.
A people full of boldness.
A people feared by the world.
Legacy Center Church
Even you, Legacy Center Church, will experience a sudden break.
You have already seen it begin in October, but the breaking point is coming in the first three months of this year.
All you had to do was switch your net to the other side—focus on one strategy. Focus on Jesus.
Theme Verse: Luke 5:4–6
4 And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
5 And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word, I will let down the nets.”
6 And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking.
We are at breaking point.
I declare:
Legacy, you will outgrow this place this year.
It is time to prepare for the next place.
It is time to plant other churches: one to the east, one to the west, and one to the south.
The doors are opening, and everyone and everything is flooding in.
You will increase your staff because you are in a sudden break.
By the end of 2026, people will know Legacy Music.
Producers and leaders are coming. It is time for a sudden break.
2025 will mark the preparation for the Church to begin developing school programs.
This sudden break will bring sudden help—financially and physically.
The Church is in her finest hour.
We will see Christianity grow more in the next three years than in a generation.
We are in a sudden break.
Personal Sudden Breaks
Many of you will receive personal sudden breaks:
- A sudden break in your family.
- A sudden break with that prodigal who will suddenly come home.
- Drug addicts coming off drugs—we will see what we have not seen before: more drug addicts freed than in a long time.
- We will see reversals in long-held statistics.
Breakthroughs are coming:
- Medical breakthroughs in cancer and other illnesses once thought unbreakable.
- Groundbreaking discoveries in medicine, technology, and even archaeology that will point to God.
Habakkuk 1:5: “Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”
For the Nations
We will also see sudden breaks in relationships between nations:
- Russia and Ukraine—a sudden break.
- There will be sudden breakups: nations once united will no longer agree.
Schisms will arise,
But they will lead to breakthroughs.
We pray against:
- Sudden breaks in bones.
- Breakdowns in transportation and communication.
- Prolonged breaks in electricity and telecommunications
Financial Patterns
The stock market will fluctuate like a seismogram measuring an earthquake.
The market will be volatile, but opportunities will come with the sudden breaks:
Opportunities to move, invest, jump, and shift.
This year is about hearing God.
He will speak quickly, suddenly, and to those who obey, there will be rewards.
Weather Patterns
Just as breakthroughs will come, so will sudden breaks in the earth:
- An unusual number of earthquakes.
- We pray against tsunamis and water-related disasters as the ground shakes and breaks.
The Kingdom is Giving Birth
The years have peeled away the fake, and the real is emerging.
Those who are hungry and patient will arise.
Sudden shifts are coming—
In jobs, cities, states, and nations.
The first three months will guide the next six years!
We have entered the Year of the Sudden Break.
With every word, we will see the suddenlies of the Lord:
- Suddenly, you will be healed.
- Suddenly, you will be whole.
- Suddenly, it will all make sense.
Two words to imprint on your heart this year: FAITH and OBEDIENCE.
Welcome to the Year of the Sudden Break.
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