2020 and beyond!
As we step into 2020 we are stepping into the Year of the Streams. What I saw was that this is a year of convergence. In order to clearly understand this word, we must understand the nature of streams.
All rivers and streams start at some high point.
The starting point is always a high point such as a mountain or hill or some elevated place.
Water always flows downward.
As water flows downwards it picks up more water from smaller streams or melted snow.
Streams, when joined together, make a larger stream or river.
Eventually, all water from rivers and streams run into the lake, sea or ocean.
What I heard The Lord say is that many people are starting at a high point and the high point looks different for every person; for some it may truly be a high point meaning they are coming from years of victory and places of promotion and great growth. For others, it may be at a high point because they have had a journey up the mountain and have had to overcome many trials and tribulations over the last several years. The Lord says that no matter how you got to the High Point, A High Point is a place that is just the beginning. The Lord says that just as streams begin at Highpoints many will begin to see what they have been longing to see in God and from God.
In this year of 2020, the Lord is saying that the high point is not a place of dwelling but it is a beginning place and just as all streams begin from a high point or elevated place the Lord says that in the next several months we will begin to experience what we call a downward flow. This is not downward in a negative sense 2020 but in a “things just gotta really crazy kind of sense”. Anything that goes down goes fast so we will begin to see an extreme acceleration of the plans and heart of God starting at the beginning of the year. Many will feel like they do not have the capacity to step into what God is revealing and what is happening around them.
It will feel like a convergence of all things; since convergence means a coming together I must warn you there will be times where your emotions and your spirit will be out of whack; there will be times when you feel overwhelmed and you feel a lot of pressure but you must remember that there is a coming together in the spirit and that a lot of things are happening at the same time. I truly believe that the next 20 years are a Kairos moment for which 20/20 is the keyhole and as we turn (the key?) we’re going to step into a realm of Destiny and a realm of purpose. However, before the door opens there is going to be a flooding of emotions, pressure, excitement, and breakthrough.
This coming together of streams will appear in various areas in various ways. We will see this converging of streams in the following areas:
1. Individuals- There will be connecting, converging, and partnering between people like never before. It is important in this season to be connected to those who are like-minded. The Lord will cause people of different races to come together not only in the body of Christ but in other Arenas. We will begin to see friendships be reconciled and we will begin to see unlikely Partnerships. Unlikely Partnerships will be a mark of this season, people who were “enemies” will become friends for his glory or for diabolical purposes. It will be very important to discern the spirit of every person who approaches you. You must work hard not to miss out on something that God is giving you because it is not what you expected or did not expect.
2. Races- The second thing that I saw was the convergence of the races; God was going to begin to reunify the body even more through streams of Music. We have already seen it but in the next several years and the years to come, we will begin to see that there will be very little differences in music, especially when it comes to the body of Christ. God will begin to merge sounds and he will create a unique Heavenly sound. This merging of the streams will bring forth racial reconciliation and it will bring forth unity in the body of Christ. This is and will continue to be a season for artists, thinkers, creatives, and dreamers because the Lord will use them to bring races and nations together for his glory.
3. Marriages- The third thing that I saw was interracial marriages; I saw streams of races coming together in this decade. We will begin to see the racial lines begin to be blurred even more. The struggle that America specifically faced in the last several years concerning race relations was a spiritual force fighting against what God wanted to do in terms of relationships, friendships, and marriages. We will not just see a resurgence of typical black and white marriages but we will begin to see people of different races and ethnicities begin to blend together within the body and out, this will be a picture of the body of Christ coming together.
4. Blended Families- Family is one of God’s priorities and will continue to be his priority in the next 10 years. God is concerned about restoration, He is concerned about redeeming and we will begin to see many of those that were discouraged because of divorce or failed relationships begin to find others who have been in similar situations and God will cause they’re strange to merge and we will see a surgeon so Blended families with different backgrounds and different colors and different experiences. God will use these families to be a part of what he is doing not only in the body of Christ but what heaven looks like when he brings people together who have failed miserably but He redeems and restores them and brings them into Unity. so begin to see many Blended families coming forward I will begin to see families of different experiences and expressions coming forward as well.
5. Diabolic streams- The merging of streams will not always be for the best, they are minds that are coming together for diabolical plans against the nations and against the people of God, the enemy too is blending his streams and working hard to maximize the tools that he has in order to bring an affront to the nations and those that serve the One and True living God. There will be Plots that will be uncovered concerning people of different races, people of different religious backgrounds coming together against certain nations or causes. The nations I saw are specifically the USA, Belgium, Brazil, Israel, and France. The contention between China and Hong Kong will cause some things to surface; there will also be some things that will be revealed concerning Saudi Arabia and its alliances. There will be masks that will be uncovered, there will be a revealing of hidden partnerships within the nations that may shock some of us. We will find that the nations that we thought were for good have actually been working with other nations for diabolical plans. The hand of the Lord is mighty to save and mighty to deliver and it will uncover what has been hidden and what the enemy’s plots are.
6. Mergers/ acquisitions- These next ten years will be marked by Mergers- There will be a merging of businesses and companies; this will be a natural sign of what God is doing in the spirit realm. There is a merging that is taking place even in the spirit realm as God is Planning and bringing together his agents and his plans for a bigger purpose. God will begin to connect people in business for a bigger purpose just as streams and rivers join together to make lakes or oceans. There is going to be a literal picking up of smaller companies, organizations, and forming into bigger companies. The government will get involved with some cases as they will not want certain companies to grow so big. Not all mergers will be good, some will merge out of greed and will lose all they have. We will see mergers of churches as well, many spiritual mergers will be of God but some will prove disastrous. Motives and purity of the heart will be the final predictor of whether the merge will work on not.
7. Textiles- There will be a resurgence in the textile industries; there will be fabrics, threads, and designs that will be created that will save lives, there will also be a demonstration of God’s design through the fabric. (maybe a little more clarifying here)
Just as water picks up smaller streams or melted snow as it flows down of the lakes or oceans; God is going to cause those that were forgotten or dropped to be picked up in a sweeping flow, often it will feel unexpected but you will be merged with those who care for you. With the merging of streams, it will be very important to spend time learning the nature and character of God as this will help each of us not create alliances or covenants that do not line up with God’s heart.
In the next ten years, we will begin a new journey. It will be important to pick wisely who you journey with. You will know the people that are for you because the flow will be easy. You will be able to flow with them unto righteousness, peace, and Joy.
Happy New Year!
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