If there is one thing the enemy hates and does not want you and your spouse to prosper in, is oneness. He came out of communion and unity with the Father when he was cast out of heaven. Our communion and unity with God, and our unity and communion with our spouse, is a constant reminder of something he does not have.
Oneness, unity, and agreement is a powerful tool the Lord has given believers. He says wherever two or three are gathered in His name, He will be there (Matthew 18:20). So, what that means is that anytime you and your spouse are together, and the name of Jesus is on your lips and in your hearts, God is there. Satan hates that! If the presence of God is there, then that means arguing, contention, and fighting will not be. he desires that you be in a constant state of disagreement.
The Bible says “how can two walk together lest they agree? (Amos 3:3). So, you know what the enemy is after, your agreement. He knows that if you do not come into an agreement under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit you will walk apart. When you are apart, not just physically, but in belief, in position, and in understanding, the enemy can feed you lies, like he did in the Garden to eve.
Agreement does not necessarily mean thinking the same on every little thing. it means making a conscious decision to walk as one on the big things. Things like:
1.Divorce not being is an option.
2.Always talking through things, instead of holding them in.
3.Always walking in forgiveness.
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5.Having similar goals and views about children and family.
Take time out to create major components of how you will govern your marriage and family, come into agreement with those things, and when the enemy tries to come and bring confusion or lack of focus, quickly get back on the same page!
If you and your spouse are constantly in disagreement or not walking together, try the following things.
1.Praying together daily.
2.Doing a daily devotion.
3.Having sex at least three times a week.
4.Getting counseling.
5.Walking through unresolved issues.
My God. This is such a revelation of God’s TRUTH.
Although I have asked my husband for and he has forgiven me, we have yet to walk in agreement. Praise God for continuing to show me His Truth. My marriage is worth dying to self and my emotions daily.