The greatest gift God has given us is the ability to choose. When He created us, His intention was not to create little minions that He could manipulate and control. He wanted us to be people who were free to choose Him, to choose life, and to choose what is right.
He has, however, supplied us with parameters that equip us to make wise choices and help us discern and decipher what path to take.
In Deuteronomy 30:19 it says, “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!”
This verse describes the importance of our choices and should also be used as a reference and guideline when choosing a spouse. God gives us a choice, but from that choice, we can either reap life or death and blessings or curses.This is why this choice should be carefully considered and taken seriously.
Another parameter the Lord instructs us to follow regarding the choosing of our mate is the requirement of being equally yoked. There are many factors that determine whether two people are equally yoked.
For more detailed information regarding this topic, please read my previous article, “22 Ways to Know if You and Your Partner are Equally Yoked.” God is invested in our choice to choose the right mate. We know this because He has given us in instructions on how to make right choices.
When it comes to decisions, especially concerning the choosing of our spouse, many of us want God to make the decision for us. We are constantly watching and waiting for a big neon sign that screams “THAT’S HIM!!!!!! ”
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The truth is, just like with anything else God, He is calling us to partner with him in selecting our mate. But, why does He leave the ultimate choice up to us?
Simply put, because marriage is all about choices from start to finish. From the choice to court, to getting engaged, and to eventually saying “I do”. But, the choices don’t stop there. After marriage, we have to continue to make choices.
We must daily choose to love our mate in sickness and health, in good times and bad times, when its easy, when it’s hard, when it’s inconvenient, in spite of our feelings, and yes, even when it hurts.
If God was to make those choices for us, then when things got tough, most of us would blame the one who chooses for us, God. Choosing our mate forces us to take responsibility for that choice. Don’t get me wrong, God wants to partner with us to make this decision. But, at the end of the day, it is our choice and it is so for a reason.
God’s not going to force us to do anything or send lightning bolts to heavily sway our decision. Yes, God will give peace; He may send signs, and even dreams. However, the ultimate choice is yours and it is important you realize that.
The choice is not your family, your friends, or even your pastors. Their input is important and should be carefully considered, but YOU choose your spouse. And, from the moment you agree to choose that person in holy matrimony, you are also agreeing to choose them every day for the rest of your life, no matter the cost. Love requires us to choose it over and over again daily, so choose wisely.
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